


Do you wish to improve your overall fitness? The best thing that you can do is do exercises and strengthen your core. The core includes your abs, lower back muscles, and obliques. These muscles work as a stabiliser for your body and help your body to balance and stabilise. There are many ways to strengthen your core, but the best idea is to add a Pilates workout to your routine. It is a method of…

Acting is an art that requires us to be confident, be it on or off the screen. There is a significant difference between acting in front of a camera and acting on stage. If we were to describe the difference in one word, it would be ‘retakes.’ The privilege of retakes does not exist when you perform live. While shooting for an ad or a movie, there is a camera and the crew. In other…

Pilates and Yoga are two disciplines having overlaps between them. That is why people often confuse them and ask which one is superior to the other. Put simply, Yoga and Pilates cover a wide range of movements so it would be unfair to place one over another. It is quite subjective like they say one man’s warm-up in another man’s cardio. Rest assured, just like there is a yoga routine for everyone, there is a…