
online pilates course


Irrespective of your age, if you have ever been afflicted by lower back pain because of lifting heavy items or an injury or even a slipped disc, then you have come to the right place. In this article, you are going to learn everything about back pain, from the “why does it happen” to the “how can I fix it”’. Why does my lower back hurt? Lower back pain can be because of an acute…

Do you wish to improve your overall fitness? The best thing that you can do is do exercises and strengthen your core. The core includes your abs, lower back muscles, and obliques. These muscles work as a stabiliser for your body and help your body to balance and stabilise. There are many ways to strengthen your core, but the best idea is to add a Pilates workout to your routine. It is a method of…

People often struggle with finding a fitness routine that keeps them hooked in. Over time, all forms of exercise start to seem repetitive and lose their effectiveness as soon as complacency sets in. This eventually leads to people giving up working out altogether. But this is where Pilates change everything. If you want to keep things interesting, it is advisable to maintain variety. Changing the fitness modality when you appear to have had your share…

Pilates is a relatively recent form of movement modality which is becoming a progressively popular and well-known form of exercise among the masses, it is still a long way till it becomes as mainstream as yoga or going to the gym. Owing to this, there are several myths and misconceptions circulating about it. This not only prevents a lot of people from taking it up as their preferred form of working out but also deprives…

The connection between sleep and your well-being was established the day you were born. As we grow old, the number of hours of sleep we need tends to reduce. When we are young, we sleep more than we stay awake, but as we grow up, it turns out to be the other way around. But have you ever wondered about how each lost hour of sleep affects your well-being? A sufficient amount of sleep at…

The past year and a half have been a challenge for all of us around the world. While we thought that sitting at home and doing nothing is a blessing at first. We all certainly enjoyed the first few months of just eating and sleeping on a cycle without worrying about our bodies and doing no work out at all. But it eventually led to the realization that it was an unhealthy lifestyle. With a…